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The Cheesecake Factory 

Over the last decade, data indicates a sharp decline in reading amongst adults. But there’s still one place that requires some light reading with every visit. No, not the library, The Cheesecake Factory.

Let’s celebrate a restaurant with a menu so large, it can help America get back into the habit of reading.


We wanted to connect reading and food with OOH placements that read in the first person as the passionate diner. 

We will even have the menu available to listen to on Audible. 

Cheesecake Spotify ad - v3
00:00 / 00:21
Pasta Da Vinci
00:00 / 00:10
Cheeseburger Spring Rolls
00:00 / 00:11

What makes a book club good? A thrilling book. And what makes a book club great? Cheesecake.

And we will get the word out through Spotify Ads.

Book Club 

Audible Menu

Spotify Ads

Back of the Menu 

Playing on the “Praise for the Author” pages on the back of novels, we will release limited edition versions of the menu with a “Praise for the Menu” on the back, with reviews from satisfied diners. 

CWs: Meg Rai, Bonnie Davis
AD: Kelly Le

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